Happy Favorite Foto Friday everyone! This weeks theme was a hard one for me - Jaden has had a few sleepovers at her friends houses and vice versa but can you believe I don't really have too many pictures of them! I had to dig WAY back into 2006 to find a few and then I gave in and took a recent photo of Jaden in her new silky butterfly PJ's ... At least in this picture you can see that Jaden has lost another tooth. The tooth fairy almost didn't make it in time but she finally arrived (panicking) and couldn't find her tooth. Seems Jaden has quite a few tooth holders in her room. Luckily the tooth fairy found the correct one and placed Jaden's $2.00 inside. It was only 20 minutes later that Jaden woke up, ran in to the bathroom while I was in the shower and screamed, "THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME! She gave 2-1's, what can I get with that?" It was pretty funny and I am happy to report Jaden decided to put her 2-1's in her piggy bank! Just this past Friday Jaden did sleepover at her best friend Hannah's house so I am sure Jolene took pictures! A few month back Jaden had a tough time being awway from me so sleepovers came to an end for a while - I am proud to say she has overcome her fear of me leaving and never coming back and has started sleepovers again. Well I hope you all had a wonderful week. It is supposed to be 80 and sunny here ALL weekend - we will be hopefully swimming (well 'floating' for me!! Other than that news ... Here's wishing you a Happy FFF and a great weekend. Hop on over to Sarah's site at http://www.kissthefrog4me.blogspot.com to see LOTS more great pictures of our favorite things - our Children!
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden and Baby#2 TOO!
The pictures bring back the memories of slumber parties when I was little. Jaden looks like she is all girl in these pictures and loving every minute of the sleepovers. Great pics, have a great weekend!
Your children are darling. Congratulations on Baby #2!
Love the pj pictures!
Your kids are precious!
The pictures are great; thanks for visiting my blog. Congrats on the new baby. My children were that far apart in age as well. Really it was a great seperation of age because you get to enjoy the really good times twice and suffer through the really bad times twice :)
jaden is too cute in her big girl pj's!
First I have to say that Jadens silky butterfly pajamas are very pretty! Love them! And I also love her room..pink and purple and oh so girly! Jaden is such a cutie! Great pictures!
Oh aren't they adorable in their princess dresses! I can't wait for Anna's first sleepover. It'll be great! Looks like the girls are having a fantastic time! :D
LOVE a slumber party - especially with a dora blanket
They don't ask about that growing up thing, do they? When I look back on pictures of my kids, I can't believe how fast it has gone by. We often have this conversation:
me: "Will you still love mama and still sit on my lap and love on me next year?"
them: "Yes mom"
me: "Will you still love mama and still sit on my lap and love on me when you are a teenager?"
them: "Yes mom"
me: "Will you still love mama and sit on my lap and love on me when you grow up and get married?"
them: "Uhhhhh...we'll still love you but sitting on your lap then might be weird."
Go figure!
Love her pink/purple bedroom!!!
She sure is a cutie!!
Sorry I am posting so late. My day was very busy & I am just sitting down to view FFF.
I love the pictures of Jaden's sleepovers. I think you captured some great pictures. Madeline has only stayed at one girls house and she has only stayed here. Her friend that stays here sleeps with her mom every night and does ok here, but sometimes ends up in bed with me. Kids have to start somewhere...and before we know it they won't be around much at all.
Her PJ's with the butterflies were very cute. I noticed as it has gotten warmer we are in need of some new pjs here--so that's what Madeline & I will do Sat..pj shopping.
They are calling for rain here. Hopefully it will hold off or not come at all. Have a great weekend.
Lisa & madeline
Great pictures! Your daughter is so pretty. I love those butterfly pjs! I want a pair. :)
What a sweetheart you have...she is so pretty is her PJ's.
Enjoy your weekend!
Great pics! Looks like fun sleepovers! Jaden looks adorable in her new butterfly jammies.
I want a pair of the silky butterfly pjs! Praying for you and your family - specifically Baby #2!!
Peace and Hugs,
LOVE the pics...thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you had a great weekend.
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