I just thought (mainly for Jaden) I would post a Baby#2 Status blurb every Tuesday. Jaden has started asking some questions so I thought that if I posted some little tidbits about the baby as well as a few pictures of what it looks like floating in there I would be better to help her understand. Her questions this week were ... 1. How did you feel when you had me? Nervous or Happy? I then asked her if she meant when she was born and she said no when she was in my belly ... I told her I was very happy and nervous at the same time. 2. She then asked me how I felt after she came out? I then told her I was very very happy to finally have her in my arms - so happy I cried. 3. She also asked if she had a lot of blood all over her. I told her no, not too much and then she asked if Katie (her friend Hannah's sister) had a lot of blood on her and I said yes, a little bit. ... so that is what was floating in her head this past weekend. I have decided to not ask her anything regarding the baby but just wait for her mind to process the thoughts and then ask the questions. She is a lot like me when it comes to life changing things - she usually sits back quietly and thinks and processes things in her own way. I just hope she is as happy as I think she is ... the whole Baby#2 news has finally sunk in with me too - the first week was a hard one emotionally. I was questioning a few things. Like, is this the right time? Weill Jaden really want a little brother or sister? Will I love her any less? Will she lose out on mommy time now? We only have 2 bedrooms - where does the new baby go? I really can't make my 6 year old share a room with a baby can I? That would be so hard on Jaden. Why don't we sell our house and buy a new one? How will we sell our house with the market the way it is? Why do I not feel as excited as I thought I would? Does that mean I am not happy about the baby? Yeah - it was a tough week and I am hopeful that I have gotten through all the ups and downs for this month! I know more are soon to follow - my poor husband! But other than that news - I am happy to report that SO FAR (*KNOCK ON ALL WOOD*) I am feeling great - I am a little tired but overall I haven't been stuck with that morning sickness SEMI like I did with Jaden - I had that feeling for 5 long months the first time around and I am hoping it doesn't strike twice! I am also hoping that since I am 130 pounds LESS this time around than the first time I will be able to stay more active and ward off that whole morning sickness thing - not to mention staying active, drinking NO caffeine and a ton of water should (hopefully) avoid a 10 pound baby the 2nd time around ... wish me luck! Well how about I list some Baby Development Facts @ 6 weeks ...
How your baby's growing: This week's major developments: The nose, mouth and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus you'd find an over sized head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His/Her emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His/Her heart is beating about 100-160 times a minute (twice as fast as yours) and his/her blood is beginning to course through his/her body. His/Her intestines are developing and the bud of tissue that will give rise to the lungs have also appeared. The pituitary glad is also forming as is the rest of the brain, muscles and bone. Right now your baby is about a quarter of an inch long.
So that is where we are at right now ... I have my first Dr's appointment on June 17th! Things are coming along as well as they can right now ... we are all very excited and Jason (I admit) is ecstatic and still floating around on a cloud ... Hope you have a wonderful week!
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!
*(information found at http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy-fetal-development-index)*
OMG That is soooo COOL!
Hello, my FRIEND!
Oh, I LOVE that you're sharing the developmental stages of your new baby. It's SO MUCH FUN to watch and learn how they're growing, and the new things they're starting to do each week. It's such an EXCITING time for you all.
Now, just a word of encouragement... I wouldn't worry too much about making Jaden share a room with her new sibling. You'll probably keep it in your room until it's a little older (at night anyway). At least that's how I did it. Each of the 3 of our boys had always slept together once I was satisfied that they wouldn't harm the new baby, even though EACH of them had his own room. Now that Brent's not here, it's Zach & Gabe. Things may change when they get older, but for now, they wouldn't have it any other way. Oh, and when I say they slept together - I meant SAME bed. LOL! It's funny how they argue during the day, but they find comfort in knowing the other is near when they're sleeping.
Okay.. I'll go for now. Take care of yourself, Little Mama. ;-)
I loved this post and enjoyed babycenter too when I was pregnant with Madeline. It's really neat that Jaden will be able to see thorugh pictures what baby looks like.
WOW, I saw you are 130lbs lighter this time. What is your secret? That is awesome. I have slowly gained after having Madeline through the years. How did you do it?
Have a wonderful day and hope things still stay good- no morning sickness! I didnt have any, but I was extremely tired that 1st trimester....Have a great day- I always enjoy reading your posts!
Lisa & Madeline
Oh, Rebekah, what an exciting time in your life right now!! Enjoy every single minute and know that everything will work out just fine! :)
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