Well it is already Week 7 - boy this past week flew by fairly fast. It wasn't a very busy weekend for us, in fact we had NO plans whatsoever and found ourselves relaxing in the pool, a trip to the mall and a walk to the park with Hannah and Katie Sunday evening. We don't really have plans this weekend either. Saturday we have a contractor coming out to the house to give us an estimate on adding a room to the house. This will be our 'stepping stone' to determine if we sell the house and buy a bigger one or not. All 3 of us are pretty torn on the issue so hopefully the Contractor will give us some answers to make a decent decision. We have plenty of time to figure out what we want and need to do. Thank you to so many of you who said sharing a room is nothing but a good thing - I shared a room with my brother and we both turned out fine ... I was just feeling a little bummed out about it. This week I have more energy than last week. I haven't taken a nap all week :0) ... I also am still feeling pretty good - a little nausea here and there but NOTHING even remotely close to where I was with Jaden. I also found myself craving some strange things - Sunday I craved the Italian Bread from Jimmy John's Sub Shop ... I didn't want a sandwich though - just bread, sub oil and onions ... yeah, ICK is what my head said too! But Jason happily headed to Jimmy Johns and came back with my onion sandwich - with meat included ... I have finally overcome the initial shock of the positive test result! I am pretty excited and happy to see what the next few month will hold for all of us. I am also grateful for my Mom talking some sense into me and reminding me that once I 'look' pregnant and 'feel' pregnant it will be totally different and that finally we'll be able to use all 4 chairs at our dining room table. Not to mention this baby will have the BEST Big Sister in the World. Jaden is very excited - her and I were coloring last night with NO distractions (ie. Spongebob) and we were talking a little bit. She doesn't care if she has a brother or a sister and all 3 of us came up with names ... I won't give them out unless you are all interested in them ... I have to say, having this blog to talk about my feelings and to know that there are so many of you moms out there who understand how I feel is so comforting! I want to just say THANK YOU to everyone who reads and leaves a comment ... you are great moms and blog friends ... and of course to my mom - thanks for talking sense into my negativity the other day - Miss you and see you in 2 months!
Now onto Baby#2 - Week 7
How your baby is growing: The BIG news this week is ... Hands and Feet are emerging from developing arms and legs - althought they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of his/her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half and inch long, about the size of a blueberry.
If you could see inside your womb you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering his/her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin.Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing and his/her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. He/She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into his/her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from his/her tiny body.
Alls I have to say is WOW ... what an amazing miracle from God! How amazing is it that something so tiny can grow so much daily and eventually enter the world a beautiful and healthy Baby! It is breath taking ...
Have a Great Week - Jaden 'Graduated' from Kindergarten yesterday and only has 3 more days left of school ... I will post another day with video and photos from her big day! Until then ...
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden and Baby#2 TOO!
*(Baby Information found at: http://www.babycenter.com/6_your-pregnancy-7-weeks_1096.bc)
1 comment:
Wow! Every week is so amazing! I love this post! Congratulations!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I really do appreciate it! :)
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