Once Upon A Time … 40 Years Ago … My Mom and Dad said “I Do”! I know some of you are wondering where “The Clark Family” disappeared to … well I have been keeping a secret for a long time … since my mom reads this website I couldn’t talk about it to anyone … you see, we really didn’t have plans for bowling this weekend – or Jimmy John’s – or, sadly celebrating Father’s Day with Jason … instead … Jaden and I hopped on an airplane headed for New York on Thursday … My sister Niki and niece Amanda picked us up around 4:00 – you see everyone except for my mom knew we were flying in to surprise her … we stopped and got some pizza and headed to mom and dad’s house. Aunt Niki walked around the front of the house to the porch and said “I got stuck babysitting again”. My mom figured she meant babysitting Hannah and Matthew – she Niki walked in the door holding Jaden’s hand my mom had no idea what was happening. Alls she could say was “WHAT!?” it took my dad to say “It’s Jaden” for my mom to blink and realize what was happening. What a wonderful surprise … we told my mom we used a friends flyer miles to visit for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day … LITTLE did she know why we were REALLY there … you see my parents were married 40 years on Sunday June 15, 2008 and on Saturday June 14, 2008 there was to be a HUGE celebration in their honor. I reserved a room at my parents original honeymoon hotel so dad could get mom out of the house Friday night and return in time for the party on Saturday. It actually worked … mom had NO IDEA there was a party going on until dad drove in the driveway … it was pretty awesome. We had about 100 people there, plenty of food, a replica 3 tier wedding cake and flower arrangement. We had a DVD slideshow, a memory scrapbook, a signing plate for guests and plenty of photos to share … we also had a karaoke DJ there to entertain all of us. It was pretty amazing – aside from the annoying rain and thunder here and there … mom had no idea – dad knew most of it – he had to get her out of the house … but I believe we surprised them both with the extent of the party. Lots of family and family friends were there to celebrate an amazing milestone and of course Jaden and I were thrilled to be there for it too – sadly, Jason stayed home since we are heading on a 2 week road trip to Ohio, New York and New Jersey in August … he was missed by all … So that is the reason we missed Favorite Foto Friday – but here are some Favorite Foto’s from the party and our trip … hope you all had a great weekend … I will stop by to see all your FFF’s …
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden and Baby#2 – scheduled to arrive on or around January 12, 2009 …
WOW, that was an awesome post. I was wondering what happened to my blogger buddy, but I can see why now you could not post a thing.
It's so neat how everything was so planned out. From getting the room where they stayed to the wedding cake. I also laughed when you wrote how Jaden walked in holding hands with Niki and it took them some time to notice it was her. How cool! I bet you your mom cried! What a neat story! I am sure you girls had a great time!
Gosh your road trip will be here before you know it. What part of OHIO. I bet the northern part since I see you are going to NY and Jersey. If it was the southern part I might just head up there and meet you gals!
Looks like you had a fantastic weekend and I am sure Jason missed you girls a ton. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.
We did the same thing for my mom's 50th birthday. My grandma and aunt flew in from Indiana and she had no idea who they were until she took a second look.
It was great just to see the look on her face:)
PS...Cerah's bday i s Jan 10...so we want Baby #2 that day:)
Glad you had fun
Happy Anniversary to your parents! WOW - 40 years! That is awesome. Looks like you had a great trip and what a wonderful surprise for your folks.
That is cool that you got to celebrate with them . How fun!!!!
Surprised, not sure that is the word, I still can't believe that my 4 wonderful children had a party at my house for 100 people and I did not know about it. How can there be a party at my house and I don't cook? It was absolutely wonderful, I teared up many times that weekend, with the arrival of my 2 MN girls, Butch and I re-living the past 40 years, agreeing that we would only change one thing (money), but everything else was a true learning experience. A young (12) daughter diagnosed with cancer, the balance of the other 3 childrens lives, the love .... the love .... the love, which was shown to us on Saturday, thanks so much for this wonderful memory. My heart was smiling the entire day. I love you guys, see you soon.
JUNE 19, 1999 - GREAT DAY
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