I wanted to post a wish to my husband Jason and wish him a very Happy Anniversary! It was only 9 years ago when we were married is a wonderful little church in Troy, NY. Our wedding was pretty big and the ceremony was lovely. I had 5 Bridesmaids and my niece Manda was my Junior Bride - and she honored us by singing at our wedding. We had a great reception close to the church and the food, drinks and Karaoke DJ were prefect. We planned our wedding for about 9 months and to tell you the truth it went off without a hitch. Still, 9 years later I can not believe it has gone by so fast. So much has happened in 9 years - sometimes it seems like just yesterday and sometimes it seems ages ago. I am proud to say our marriage is stronger now than ever before. I admit Jason and I have a relationship that I never thought I would have - we are like a square peg and a square hole - it just fits prefect. We finish each other's sentences and we know exactly what the other is thinking and feeling. I am also happy to say I married a man who is as great of a father to Jaden as my dad was to me ... he is wonderful to Jaden and I know he will be just as wonderful for the next arrival. I also wanted to say that my parent's relationship was the starting point for me - I watched my parents grow as the years went by and wanted to be just like them ... and we are - in fact I married a man who is 1/2 my mom and 1/2 my dad - a steak loving clean freak! YUP! I can't wait to celebrate many more years with Jason - I know they will only continue to get better and better ... we don't have too many plans this year since we just got back form NY and we are heading back in a month and a half but Jaden is having a sleepover tomorrow at Savannah and Heather's house so Jason and I can head to an adult restaurant ... we are going to Kincaids and I am very excited - Jason will get his usual ginormous slab of beef and I will be dining on Lobster Mac and Cheese and a vigin drink of some sort ... it should be a great time ... we have a busy weekend planned and some amazing DRY weather is here in MN ... I will be sure to add more wedding memory photos after I scan them tonight - and of course FFF tomorrow will be an easy one! Oh and since June is JAM PACKED with Anniversaries I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Anniversary ... My brother and his wife Amanda's Anniversary was June 8th, my mom and dad's anniversary was June 15, My best Friend Jolene and her husband Jeff's anniversary was also June 15th, My sister Jennifer and her husband Dave's anniversary was June 16th, Jason and I were married on June 19th and I know my mother in law and her husband Moe were married on June 13th or 11th ... I also think Jason's grandmother and grandfather were also married in June - so it is a wonderful month to celebrate LOVE! Also thank you to my mother in law Carol for the beautiful card we got in the mail - and thank you for the Cedar Point tickets ... that was very nice of you to do ... well I hope you all have a wonderful day! Oh and one more thing to add - I had my 1st OB appointment Tuesday and the official arrival date for Baby#2 is January 12, 2009 ... so that puts me a week ahead of my Baby#2 posts - so next week we will start again ... with week 11!
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!
Happy Anniversary to you and Jason. I see how you met and I am not surprised. I met a lot of wonderful men on the internet back 8-10 years ago. Then is was FREE and there were decent men online. But today it is scary. I am still in the "dating scene" if you call it that because I never date LOL. I met Madeline's dad online too (thats another story) but anyhow I think your story is amazing and how god brought together 2 great people that seem to fit perfect. I hope one day I have what you have too.
So on to baby #2. WOW time is sure flying. It will be week 11 and before you know it January. OK, thats a little fast. Are you finding out what your having? or are you going to be surprised? I work part-time at Gymboree and many women I run into in the store are waiting now, which I think is so cool. I don't know if I could do it though. I would wanna shop and prepare too much.
OK, I must go. This post is getting long. Have a great day and I will see you on FFF tomorrow.
You are very welcome...
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