I sure have been gone a LONG LONG time ... I checked in with some of the blogs I loved and was surprised to see some stopped blogging ... others have added to their families ... others are pregnant ... and the children have all grown so very much! I have decided (AGAIN!) that I will make it a point to blog at least once a week to keep my family and friends updated with what we're doing and what the kids are up to!
Speaking of kids - Jaden just turned NINE years old this past Saturday! Can't believe she is 9 and Charlotte is 2 already! Jaden celebrated her day at the Mall of America's American Girl Store with 4 of her friends ... then we had a party at the house followed by a sleepover with 6 of her friends! It was chaos - crazy - painful and fun all wrapped in to one day ... I will probably never have a sleepover again until Charlotte asks for one ... Jaden is doing great in school and is still swimming on the South Metro Storm Swim Team ... she is off for a month for break and then starts right back up again in April! She has been in 2 additional swim meets since last year and at one point improved her times by 20 seconds. In one race she came in 3rd overall out of 40 girls who raced! Jason and I are so proud of her and all she has accomplished! She is a really great kid! She spends whatever free time she has by doing arts and crafts - playing with Charlotte and her friends ... she is a busy bee though! Hard to keep up with!
Miss Charlotte is also a busy bee these days! We finally had her ear tubes put in January 3rd and it has been amazing to watch her speech progress! She went from saying only 5 words to saying well over 100 in just 3 months! It is so fun to watch her learn new things! She is obsessed with drawing these days and draws all sorts of things - she also knows her shapes and most of her colors! We do struggle with one shape - that is a square - she calls it cheese - she is obsessed with CHEESE! She woould eat it until she burst if we let her!! She spends most of her days playing with her friends since my home daycare is up and running. She has a lot of fun with the biggers kids in my care and even calls them by their names. She makes me laugh all the time! We are looking forward to the snow EVENTUALLY melting here in Minneapolis - it has been a record snowfall year - ICK! And by now we are beyond sick of it! We need to get outside to play!!
Other than the girls we are chugging along as normal here - My Childcare - Bekah's Bumblebees is up and running and 2/5 days a week I have 6 kids - the other 3 days I have 4. Currently I have 2 babies, a toddler and 3 preschoolers (and Jaden too). It is a busy life and I have to say one of the hardest jobs I have ever done but I am loving it - something amazing about having the ability to teach children new things ... I am so happy I decided to do this! Well I will leave you all with some recent photos of the girls! They are growing and getting so big ... time needs to slow down! Hope everyone out there in blogger land is well! 'See' you all soon!
Love ~ The Clark Family of Four ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden and Charlotte too!