Friday, October 03, 2008

FFF - Summer Memories

(ABOVE: Jaden's 1st Grade Portraits - I think she looks so cute ... she said her smile looked silly ... I disagree!)
(ABOVE: Jaden did some swimming with her favorite man - her daddy)
(ABOVE: Jaden managed to lose lots of teeth too - 5 total)
(ABOVE: Jaden did some tree climbing with friends)
(ABOVE: We ate some freezie pops while watching the 4th of July Parade)
(ABOVE: Jaden turned PRO on Wii Boxing)
(ABOVE: Jaden did LOTS and LOTS of swimming) (ABOVE: Jaden and Hailey had a blast at the Thrivent for Lutherans Zoo picnic)
(ABOVE: Hannah and Jaden swapped sleepovers and enjoyed time at the beach)
(ABOVE: Jaden had a sleepover and then we all headed to the Scott County Fair) (ABOVE: We went to the Scott County Fair and Jaden hopped on rides of course)
(ABOVE: We hopped in the car for a road trip to Ohio - New York and New Jersey)
(ABOVE: We checked in to our hotel - The Great Wolf Lodge!)
(ABOVE: Jaden "ROCKED OUT" at the Great Wolf Lodge's awesome Water Park)
(ABOVE: We headed to Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio)
(ABOVE: Jaden ran in to Snoopy!!)
(ABOVE: Jaden even got to meet Charlie Brown)
(ABOVE: Took naps in the car while driving across the country to visit Family)
(ABOVE: Stopped swimming to pose with Hannah while visiting Family in New York)
(ABOVE: Went swimming with Amanda - while visiting Family in New Jersey) (ABOVE: We celebrated birthday's at the Lake)
(ABOVE: And we ended the summer at the MN Stat Fair!)

Well it is 'Officially' Fall and 'Officially' Friday - today's theme is Summer Memories which is a fun theme but sort of sad at the same time ... the leaves are falling continuously in our yard, and with a small forest behind our house we usually have about 12 bags of leaves at the end of the leaf dropping. We had a wonderful summer though so I posted a TON of photos (sorry) and just like everything else - things must come to an end. I do truly enjoy fall though but I have to admit ... standing at the bus stop when it is already only 40 outside is a shock to your system and your mind. We are doing some yard work this weekend to prepare for the construction to start on the house next week so we will be busy cleaning up and cutting back the hostas and such ... not to mention a certain somebody wants to go out and shop for a Halloween Costume. So we are planning a fun weekend. Our neighbors are also having a Harvest Fest Sunday at their house. We will pick apples from their trees and make lots of apple treats, cook hotdogs and smores by a bonfire and just enjoy the crisp cool air. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I am only 7 posts away from 100 already! Whoo-Hoo! Stop by Sarah's site to see lots more Summer Memories ...

Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden & Baby#2 too!


Beck said...

I love fall, but am not ready for it to be 40 out! If it's 40 out it is winter here in CA!! That Harvest party at your neighbors sounds so fun! What does Jaden want to be for Halloween? Have a great weekend (:

Kara said...

Fall is here! We haven't had 40 weather yet here in upstate NY, but it is coming :( Oh well, I really love fall.
Great pictures!
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! I looks like you guys had a great summer!

I love your background!

threehandprints said...

Great summer pictures! Love the background...need to get me a new one!

Tina said...

Cute pics....Jaden is so cute!

Tricia said...

Such great pictures!!

What a super summer full of memories!

Anonymous said...

Love all the summer fun photos!!!!!!!! We love water here too!!!


Therese said...

Wow, you guys were busy having fun! Thanks for the great pictures - it was fun to tag along on your adventures.

I love the school picture - she looks so much like you!


Debbie said...

Wow great summer pictures!! Looks like your summer was filled with memories!!


Becca said...

Jaden has a terrific smile. Looks like you had a great Summer. I remember seeing some of those pics the first time around. I love the one of the girls in the tree. I hope you're feeling well and that Baby Charlotte isn't kicking you throught the night!! (Do they do that? I've not carried one in my body before!)

Peace and Hugs,