(ABOVE: The Crib Mobile my mom and dad sent us)
Happy Favorite Foto Friday everyone! This weeks theme from Sarah is PUMPKINS. I thought I would post my FFF showing Jaden through the years ... we have some good pumpkin photos of her ... not to mention that is what Jason calls her ... Punky Lou Lou ... not sure where it came from ... but then again I call her Noodle and I am not sure why!
I hope you all had a great week and your weekend is wonderful ... today Jason it taking Jaden to get her flu shot, then we are heading to the grocery store to pick up some party stuff for tomorrow (I am making my cheesy hash browns), then to the craft store to buy party supplies for Jaden's Halloween/Fall Harvest Party next Friday - I volunteered to be party planner again this year. So we have to buy our supplies for that ... then pumpkin carving and some movie watching at home. Tomorrow is the Baby Shower from 11-1 and it is supposed to be beautiful outside. Jaden is excited to be able to swim tomorrow at Heather's Condo - and of course to open presents ... I have alreadt gotten some from coworkers and my mom (who sadly can't make it - she was having some medical tests and THANK THE LORD the tests revealed an 'easy' fix for what was/is wrong) ... but my mom did send me a cute Me and My Sister Frame for Jaden, the nursery bedding and the crib mobile ... the colors are beautiful ... THANKS MOM! Then after the shower I think my mother in law and sister in law are coming to the house - to see the construction and to hang out for a bit ... should be a busy weekend! Sunday it is supposed to be horrible here ... wind chills in the teens and 20's ... wind gusts at 20-35 mph PLUS SNOW! So wish us luck ... we might not leave the house again until Monday if it is the 'chilly' out.
Have a Wonderful Weekend everyone!
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden & Baby#2 too
YUMMMMMMMMM Cheesy potatoes....my mouth is watering, oh sorry off topic :) Have a great day tomorrow! How cool are Jaden's pumpkins thru the years...WOW That's awesome!!!!
Your pumpkin pictures are awesome. You are a very talented artist-that Pooh pumpkin is amazing! The bedding for the crib is beautiful. I love the colors. Have fun picking out the room color. Your house is going to great with the addition! Also have fun carving your pumpkins, we'll be doing that as well-I think :)
Best wishes,
Great pumpkins,love all the pictures but the first one is my favorite. Hope you have a great weekend.
What great pics!
And what a fun weekend it sounds like you are going to have!
Snow?? Oh I am not ready for that at all!! I hope you have a great (although it sounds very busy!!)weekend!!
Love the pumpkin pictures. Jaden has always been such a cutie pie!! You make some seriously cute pumpkins!
It was so cute seeing all the pictures of Jaden growing up, amazing how they change from year to year.
Love all the pumpkin pics through the years. Your daughter is adorable!
wow those pumpkins are works of art!!!!!
Love the babies bedding...That pink and brown is soooo pretty!!!
Look how cute Jaden was as a baby! Love the "Through the Years" theme!
Peace and Hugs,
Lovin' the pumpkin pics!! I love the second one, I so see Rdette doing that this weekend! :-) Have a great time at your shower and KEEP WARM!!!
Jaden is an adorable little pumkin lou lou... through all her years!
Wow... Great pumpkin carving!!! Very cute pictures!
Wonderful pictures of a beautiful girl.
Jaden has me laughing so hard! That second picture of her tasting her pumpkins is priceless! Hope you have fun at your showers. I love the bedding! Happy party planning...remeber to rest a bit:)
SOOOOOOOO Cute!! Love all the pumpkins. Hope you had a great weekend.
LOVE the bedding!! ALmost time for little miss to be here!!! OOO I can't wait
Jaden is adorable - i'm sure you new baby will be too!
By the way, I am holding a nursery pictures contest on my site until Jan 2009. Come over and enter when your room is finished, I would love to see it!
Enter here
You can win a $75 gift certificate from PinkTaffyDesigns if you win and your baby's room will be featured on my home page.
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