Happy Favorite Foto Friday everyone! Once again - I can not believe it is Friday already ... This week's theme is Silly Smiles ... and I have plenty to share since I am always shoving a camera in Jaden's face she 'occassionally' makes a face at me. I hope everyone had a good week, we had a pretty good week this week ... aside from a little bully girl on Jaden's bus in the morning and me having a 'discussion' with her to leave Jaden alone ... then switching bus stops to avoid the little evil heathon ... our week went well! After 2 days of issues with this girl now that we moved our stop a bit farther up the street Jaden is happier - and she boards the bus with a lot more kids and she even knows quite a few of them - so it was a win/win ... We don't have too many plans for the weekend ... tonight we are doing pizza night and some shopping at Target for lunch stuff for the week ... and tomorrow if the rain holds off we will be heading to Sever's Corn Maze in Shakopee ... it is a HUGE corn maze ... they also have pony rides, a pumpkin sling, a hay bale maze and a corn kernal pit ... not to mention fair type food which is always YUMMY! If it does rain though we will be heading to Edinborough Park again but this time with Hannah and Katie ... and then I am hoping to make it over to Jolene's house afterwards to 'shop' through her baby stuff she has from Hannah and Katie ... YIPPIE! The house construction should be starting we week from Monday and we are anxious to get it moving of course ... so I can decorate and load in some rooms! And Sunday we are once again doing laundry and yard work now that the leaves are a fallin' ... Well I will quit blabbing for now ... to see more silly smiles hop on over to Sarah's Site at http://www.kissthefrog4me.blogspot.com ... Have a great weekend!
** Oh and since I had gastric bypass my OB Doctor agreed it wouldn't be wise to take the dextrose drink for my glucose test ... instead I will do a 2 hour fasting appointment on October 22nd ... I have to fast for 12 hours, go in and have my blood drawn ... then go eat a high carb breakfast and 2 hours later go back and have my blood drawn again ... if my level come back abnormal then I will have to have the 3 hour test done at the hospital. But like I said, usually my blood sugar is in the 60's so I am not too worried about the test - I am just happy I don't have to chug a syruppy, carbonated, 50g of sugar drink in 5 minutes ... ICK! Other than that Charlotte seems to be growing just fine ... and kicking pretty well these days ... ***
Love ~ The Clark Family ~ Rebekah, Jason, Jaden & Baby Charlotte
Those are some seriously silly smiles!
Good luck with the glucose test... I hated that test... mainly because you had to sit around for so long!
She is always so cute. I love all her smiles.
Ok. Yea for you standing up for your baby girl. I hate bullies!!! I swear there have been times I wanted to channel my inner wrestle-mania mama ( no I don't watch wrestling!!) on some of these brats...I mean children.
Have a great weekend. Let me know if you need some back up. I'm there, we could even get some spandex unitards and kick some bully butt!!
Ok. Sorry too much coffee today.
She is just too cute! I love all her smiles.
Rebekah,I love her super cute little face!!!!Imagine you will have another super cute little face soon!:)lol
Her silly smiles are precious! What a beautiful little girl!!! :)
It's official...Jaden is the cutest silly smiler ever! Love all the pictures! Hope your glucose test goes well (: I always HATED drinking that 'fake Sprite' crap they give you. The corn maze sounds soooo fun! Our pumpkin patches are just starting to open around here so I will probably wait a few weeks to take the kids. Hope you have a great family weekend! Talk to ya soon~
Jaden's smile is beautiful - even when it is silly. :) I just want to pinch her cheeks - she is adorable!
YAY for no glucose drink! :)
She is a doll and I love her expressive face. I am a bit jealous about this corn maze your talking about it makes me want to go to one now!!!!! I don't know that ours are open yet...hmmm I'll have to check it out.
Jaden is just beautiful, she has a stunning smile and you do just want to kiss those cheeks. Great photos! Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend!
I've been meaning to check out your blog- thanks for stopping by mine!
I'm slowly working my way back in time through your life and adventures!
I love the Friday pictures - such an adorable and silly smile.
I'm glad you got to check bullies and that awful sugar drink off your list this week!
Hey - maybe next year we will bump into eachother at the corn maze. This year is a no-go to keep Danny's stimulation to a minimum.
Happy weekend!
She is so cute and pretty. She seems like she has a great personality and no shyness there. My Savannah is so shy.
You see the same expressions at 2 as 6--just a bit more grown up, but same face, eyes, and sparkling smile.
So glad you are doing and feeling well and don't have to drink the yucky stuff.
Your kiddo's look like a lot of fun!! Cute, cute, cute!!
She has some great silly faces!!!
Too cute!! She has some great silly smiles!!
I love all those pics - what precious smiles thru the years!!! She sure is a CUTIE!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I'm tagging you for that game.
Oh my gosh! I just saw that you're having a baby girl!!! Charlotte! Oh what a perfect name!!!!!!! Congratulations! :D
What great pics! I really LOVE the ones with her two front teeth missing!!
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